Study shows personalized supplementation improves iron levels in breastmilk

Iron deficiency anemia is a major health problem of children under age 1. Iron deficiency can cause immune system dysfunction and impair growth and cognitive development. The quality of breast milk is directly related to a mother's health and nutrition. We reviewed a cross-sectional study of 360 Argentinian women that were placed into two groups: a control group and an intervention group.  Both groups had similar socioeconomic status, age, gestational age, newborn weight and maternal hemoglobin levels. Both groups also received free iron and folic acid supplements. The control group was given a standard formulation while the intervention group received personalized recommendations and follow-up from a member of their healthcare team.  


Mothers who received personalized iron supplementation while breastfeeding had significantly higher levels of iron in their breast milk when compared to the control group 0.48 mg/L vs. 0.32 mg/L, p<0.001). This study highlights the importance of personalized support of maternal health through supplementation during a critical time of infant growth and development.


Marin G.H., Mestorino N., Errecalde J., Huber B., Uriarte A., Orihuela J. Personalized Iron Supply for Prophylaxis and Treatment of Pregnant Women as a way to Ensure Normal Iron Levels in their Breast Milk. Journal of Medicine and Life. (5): 1, 29-32.

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